God's Word

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16

24 March 2011

Good Morning

Here in my little part of WV, it is rainy and cold.  Yesterday and the day before were very warm and wonderful.  I almost forgot it was still March.  Oh well.  Lots on my mind today, and a mood to match the weather.  I'm thinking mostly about my teenage son.  Actually he's my step-son.  But, that is just grammer.  According to my heart, he's my son, and he has been for about 15 years, since he was a little tiny boy.  He's 17 now and he's struggling with difficult things in his life.  I try to talk to him and he ignores me or gets mad because he doesn't like to talk.  Then the next day he posts on Facebook that he wants to talk to someone.  Facebook - I have  a love/hate relationship with it.  It's very helpful, sometimes.  Other times, it's very addictive.  And, in regard to teenagers, it seems they say more on facebook than they do to the real people in their lives - the ones living right in their own houses.  I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing.  Anyway, do any of you have teenage boys???  I don't really know what's up with them??? Any wisdom??

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